Human beings must behave as responsible global citizens, acting as stewards of God’s creation
Genesis 1 says God gave humans dominion over nature
Must treat environment with respect as God’s possession + were temporary caretakers
Stewardship = gift + duty
Humans must learn to live environmentally sustainable lives
Torah teaches humans given dominion over animals, but not the right to exploit or harm them
Caring for environment = important, ranks above other religious duties
Tikkun Olam = “repairing the world” = encourages Jews to conserves worlds resources by sensible use + recycling
Bal Taschit = "do not destroy". Use Earth‘s resources wisely = don’t exploit/waste them for short term gain
Gemilut Hasadim = "making acts of loving kindness" emphasising need to be charitable and care for the world and others
TuB'shevat = Annually celebrates the beginning of the new year for trees (beginning of spring). Jews plant trees - A reminder to live sustainably. Tell story of Honi + Carob tree and eat fruit