Learning occurs by interacting with the external environment
Classical conditioning
Process of learning through involuntary association between a NS and a UCS that results in a CR
Before conditioning
NS has no associations and doesn't produce a relevant response
Neutral stimulus (NS)
Stimulus that produces no significant response before conditioning
Unconditioned stimulus (UCS)
Stimulus that produces an unconscious response (UCR)
Unconditioned response (UCR)
Naturally occurring behaviour in response to a stimulus
During conditioning
NS and UCS are constantly paired together to produce the UCR
After conditioning
NS becomes the CS which produces a CR
Conditioned stimulus (CS)
Stimulus that produces a CR after being repeatedly paired with the UCS
Conditioned response (CR)
Response that occurs involuntarily after the conditioned stimulus is presented
Operant conditioning
Three phase learning process, where the consequence of a behaviour determines the likelihood of recurrence
Antecedent (operant conditioning)
Stimulus that precedes or elicits a particular behaviour
Behaviour (operant conditioning)
Voluntary actions that occur in the presence of the antecedent
Consequence (operant conditioning)
Outcome of the behaviour which determines the likelihood of recurrence
Systems of knowledge
Knowledges and skills are based on interconnected social, physical, and spiritual understandings
Traditional lands of a particular language or cultural group
Learning using a variety of methods
Sensory memory
Briefly stores raw information detected by senses
Sensory memory capacity and duration
Capacity: (iconic) 1.2-1.45 (echoic) 3-4s
Duration: Unlimited
Short-term memory
Temporarily stores a limited amount of information consciously being attended to
Short-term memory capacity and duration
Capacity: 7±2
Duration 10/15-30s
Long-term memory
Relatively permanent store of memory
Long-term memory capacity and duration
Capacity: Potentially unlimited
Duration: Relatively permanent
Alzheimer's disease
Neurodegenerative disease that involves the progressive loss of neurons in the brain and characterised by memory decline
Post-mortem examination
Assessment of dead body that determines cause of death
Area of tissue that has been damaged due to disease or injury
Amyloid plaques
Fragments of protein beta-amyloid insoluble plaques that inhibit communication between neurons
Neurofibrillary tangles
Accumulation of the protein tau that forms insoluble tangles within neurons, which inhibits transportation of essential substances and eventually kills the neuron
Written traditions
practices in which knowledge, stories, and customs are preserved and shared through writing and reading
Sung narratives
Stories that have important information through the use of singing, harmony and rhythm
Multimodal performances conducted as a community that record journeys, link important sites, and describe ways to live.