Usually done for individuals who are asymptomatic, applied to a group of individuals, results based on one criterion, lessaccurate, lessexpensive, notabasisfortreatment
Usually done for individuals with signsorsymptoms, applied to individuals, results based on evaluation of signs, symptoms and investigations, moreaccurate, moreexpensive, basis for treatment
To prevent or delay development of advanced disease, early detection, prompt treatment, assumption - early detection leads to a more favourable prognosis
Objective is to apply relatively inexpensive test to a large number of persons in order to classify them as likely having or likely not having the particular disease, desired outcome is a reduction in morbidity and mortality for the particular disease at a reasonable cost
Important health problem, who should be screened, when to screen, risk to patient, reliability, validity and cost effectiveness of test, will early detection and treatment alter the course of the disease, facilities for diagnosis and treatment available
Ability of screening test to accuratelyidentifydiseased and non-diseased individuals (measures what its intended to measure) exquisitely specific and sensitive
Clinical breast examination (CBE) was used to screen for breast cancer in 2500 women with biopsy proven adenocarcinoma of the breast and in 5000 age and race matched control women