
Cards (14)

  • How many subunits does Hb have.
  • How many oxygen atoms can Hb bind to.
  • Is Hb extracellular or intracellular.
  • What sucstances does Hb transport.
    1. O2
    2. H+
    3. CO2
  • 3 Features of deoxyHb.
    1. Dissolves in urea to form dimers [A1B1, A2B2].
    2. No contact between identical chains.
    3. Strong contact between stable dimers.
  • What type of bonding is Oxygen to Hb.
  • Which has higher affinity for oxygen, Mb or Hb at low partial pressures.
  • What are the 3 molecules involved in allosteric regulation.
    1 . H+
    2. CO2
    3. 2,3 Biphosphoglycertate
  • What are allosteric regulators. What do they do.
    Groups bonded distanly from Heam. Weaken affinity for oxygen.
  • Descrbie the Bohr Effect.
    1. Lactic acid produced from anaerobic respiration
    2. Dissolution of CO2 increases [H+]
    3. Curve shifts to RHS
  • Describe the role of 2,3-BPG in oxygen affinity.
    1. Produced via glyclosis using Oxygen.
    2. Sits between B subunits in [DEOXY]
    3. Shifts to RHS.
  • what is P50 for Mb
    26.6 mm Hg
  • What is Kd for Hb
    26.6 mm Hg
  • Describe which curves are what
    The left is 3 types of transport using haem groups [Hb Mb, foetal Hb].
    The right is the effect of temperature on Hb.
    A) High temrpeature
    B) Hb
    C) Mb
    D) foetal Hb