Describe two problems Germany faced because of the Depression.
Describe two problems faced by Gustav Stresemann when he became Chancellor in November 1923.
Truman Doctrine
USA's policy to contain the spread of communism
Explain your answer using source G and your contextual knowledge.
Religion and the Nazis
Many religious people supported the Nazis because they had traditional values (family centred, womanstay at home)
Born and raised a Catholic (stopped going to Mass when he was 16)
Believed in a 'supremebeing'
Had no belief in the afterlife
The Nazis and Christianity
The Nazis didn't like Christianity
Jesus was Jewish
Christianity is about charity and compassion
They were loyal to their faith and notHitler
The Nazi plan
1. Gain as much control as possible over the existing Churches
2. Weaken the hold of traditionalChristianity
3. Replace Christianity with a true Nazi religion
How did the Nazis try to control the Churches?
1. 1933-1935 Catholic Church = Compromise, sign Concordat
2. 1933-1935 Protestant Church = Control, make all join Reich Church
After 1935
The Nazis are more hostile to both Catholic and Protestant Churches
Many priests were arrested on trumped up charges
Catholic newspapers were banned from using the word 'Catholic' in their title
Protestant opposition
Many Protestants were unhappy about the Reich Church
They didn't like the fact the Church was Nazified (pictures of Hitler etc.)
A new Protestant Church, outside of the Reich Church was set up, it was called the Confessional Church
The Confessional Church
The Confessional Church was a traditional Protestant Church
The Church was popular in areas where the Nazis were popular showing that people went there because they liked the fact it was traditional
It's leaders were anti Nazi though
Between 1935-1937
The Nazi Party was harassing the Catholic Church
The Papal Encyclical 1937
Pope Pius XI 1922-1939
All priests in Germany must read out an encyclical (letter) at Church. The letter is entitled 'With Burning Grief' and attacks the anti Christian nature of Nazism
Catholic opposition to Action T4
The Catholic Church campaigned against Action T4
Due to Catholic pressure the practice of killing mentally ill people was stopped in 1941