The healthcare field when you see documentation by health care professional, and you see R.D that means Registered Dietitian
Malnutrition diagnosis
Insufficientcaloric intake to sustain life
Loss of musclemass
Loss of subcutaneousfat
Localizedfluidaccumulation (edema)
Diminishedfunctionalstatus as measured by handgripstrength
Causes of weight loss in older adults
Food access
Loss of appetite
Taking multiple prescriptions together
Ultra-processed foods
Foods where the ingredients are selected by food manufacturers to be highly profitable for them, using large amounts of fats, salts, sugars, and oils
The average person consumes 80 pounds of sugar a year
Nutrition issues in older adults living alone
Lack of access to food
Dietary problems not self-imposed
Older adult patients tend to have nutrition issues when they live alone because they have lack of access to get food
Older adults are living on financial limited means
Causes of food problems in older adults
Mental illnesses
Aphasia causing swallowing problems
Loss of muscle mass found in older adults
To prevent Sarcopenia
1. Maintain physical activity
2. Maintain movement
Celiac Disease
Sensitivity to the protein gluten, which damages the intestinal villi and causes malabsorption of vitamins
With aging process there is diminished change in the sense of thirst, which can lead to dehydration
Dehydration symptoms
Dry lips to a point of cracking
Deep set sunken eyes
Swollen tongue
Increased body temperature
Decreased blood pressure
Decreased urine output
Components of calories
Saturated fats
Nutrient deficiencies from lack of fruit and vegetables
Vitamins A, C, and E
Electrolyte imbalance in older adults due to consuming large amount of medications and not ingesting enough fluids to wash out the toxins they are ingesting
Dietary requirements in long-term care facilities
Each resident has multiple chronic conditions
Facilities are required to have a Registered Dietitian to monitor and oversee the menus
Lack of movement
Increases risk for cancer
A study found that if a patient moves around at least an hour a day it had a drastic impact on reducing risk of 7 types of cancer breast, colon, endometrial, kidney, liver, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and multiple myeloma.
There's a decrease in glaucoma with greater activity levels because there is greater oxygenation
Nutrients older adults are at risk of deficiency in
Vitamin B12
Vitamin D
Polite documentation of obesity
Health issues of alcoholics
They would rather get alcohol than food
Alcohol interferes with absorption of vitamin B12, folic acid, and vitamin C
Periodontal Disease
Inflammatory reaction of the gums and dissolution of the bony structures that hold the teeth
Dental Plaque
Accumulation of pathogenic bacteria, which can lead to periodontal disease
Effects of untreated periodontal disease
Pain on inflamed gums
Inability to chew
Loose teeth
Decreased food intake
Weight loss
Root caries
Tooth loss
Systemic issues due to bacteria traveling
Loss of all teeth, resulting in dietary issues and weight loss
Oral Pharyngeal Cancers
Primary cause is long-term smoking or tobacco use, detected first by dentists
Dry mouth associated with decreased saliva flow
Functions of saliva
Protects the mouth and teeth from wear and tear
Helps clean the oral cavity
Flushes acid out of the oral cavity
Helps maintain oral pH balance
Chronic xerostomia
Impairs swallowing, causes speech difficulties, sores, and more cavities
400 commonly prescribed medications have xerostomia as a side effect
Tongue Stereognosis
The tongue's ability to detect foreign objects in the mouth, which declines with aging
Barriers to dental care for older adults
Financial (lack of dental insurance)
Accessibility (lack of dental clinics in rural areas)
Long-term care facilities not contracting with dentists
In rural areas there is a lack of healthcare professionals
Oral cavity trauma causes
Substance abuse
Long-term alcohol abuse
An entitlement benefit where a portion of paychecks are deducted to help pay for older adults' healthcare
Social Security
Calculated based on lifetime income, with Medicare premiums deducted from monthly checks
Medicare coverage parts
Part A (inpatient hospital, home health, hospice, long-term care)