Requirements for a prospectus
1. There has to be a note on the front page to indicate that it has been registered
2. All directors have to sign the prospectus. Signatures must be dated
3. The prospectus will contain general information on the company, the type of business, a bit of the history of the business (if applicable), shares already issued and financial information for the past three years (the turnover, profits/losses before and after tax, dividends paid etc)
4. The prospectus has to include a statement indicating the extent to which it complies with the King Report and Code and if it is not complying with certain principles, the prospectus has to contain an explanation of why it does not comply
5. If the prospectus is issued with the purpose of raising capital to buy a specific property or another business venture, the prospectus has to contain details of the transaction, i.e. the purchase price; the address of the property of business venture; how much is paid in cash and how the rest of the purchase price will be defrayed; if it is a business being taken over, how much is paid for customer goodwill