
Cards (9)

  • Reliability: case studies are ideographic focussing on individuals. Therefore its hard to replicate exact conditions eg all IQs were not tested
  • Validity: High external validity as it is based off of real lives so has real world application
    EG in the workplace parental leave is given to encourage them to be w child during key developmental stages
  • Contains gender bias as mostly boys. It does not represent 10:1 ratio of crimes in real life
  • Data: uses both qualitative and quantitative data however it is based off of 1 persons view so is likely biased. The recollections of parents are likely bias presenting themselves in a better light
  • Bowbly’s findings are outdated
  • ethics : valid consent: provided by parents at time. Data was used 4-5 yrs after collection so may not have obtained consent. Children themselves cannot consent
  • ethics:confidentiality: cases detailed so pps can be easily identified despite use of pseudonyms
    Unclear the extent to which families knew data would be published
  • ethics: risk to status: Self fulfilled prophecies risked by labelling_ children labelled as affectionless psychopaths will commit associated delinquent acts
  • childcare
    children shouldn’t face prolonged separation with no alternative care to avoid delinquency
    maternity and paternity laws
    parents should be taught parenting skills that avoid hostility and poor bond to ensure super ego development