if an audience sees aggressive behaviour, they are likely to mimic it
Bobo dolls
the idea the media can implant ideas into the minds of the audience directly
Gerbner cultivation
the more we see representations, the more we believe they are true
exposure to repeated patterns of representation over long periods of time can shape and influence the way we perceive the world around us (cultivating ideologies)
Stuart Hall Reception
3 ways audiences respond to texts
preferred - how producers intended audiences to respond
negotiated - understand the message but adapt it to suit their own values
oppositional - audience disagrees with the intended meaning
Jenkins Participoatory culture
the internet has allowed fans to gather and create their own texts and easily share their work
instead of just consuming text, audiences are creating them
Shirky end of audience
we are now more likely to use the internet and other technologies to respond to texts and create our own
audiences are no longer passive in the age of the internet