1. Weigh a coffee cup calorimeter (2 nested coffee cups) with cover to the nearest 0.001 g
2. Pour about 50 mL of room temperature distilled water into the calorimeter
3. Reweigh the calorimeter with water to find the mass of water. Repeat this process 3 times
4. Hang a thermometer such that its bulb is completely immersed in the calorimeter water without touching the sides or bottom of the cup
5. Heat 50 mL of water in a beaker on a hotplate. Measure its temperature
6. Place the beaker containing hot water on an insulating pad and suspend the thermometer in it as you did for the calorimeter
7. For a 4.5 min period, use the hanging thermometers to stir and record temperature time for the two containers of water at half minute-intervals
8. Measure both temperatures to the nearest 0.01° C. At the 5-minute mark, while stirring the water in the calorimeter, rapidly pour the beaker of hot water into the cold water
9. Continue to stir occasionally and record the temperature-time data for ten more minutes at half-minute intervals