Climate Change from the quaternary period to Present day
We are currently living in the quaternary period which started 2.6 million years ago. (identify that the graph is fluctuating) Glacial periods last about 100,000 years and interglacial periods last about 10,000 years. (lowest temperature which is glacial and highest temperature which is interglacial). This is a continuous cycle.
what are the evidence of climate change in the past ?
sea ice, ice cores, global temperature data and paintings and diaries
How reliable is the sea ice position in climate change ?
Positive : very reliable and gives evidence for global warming and there are no negatives
How reliable is ice cores in climate change ?
Positives : reliable, uses quantative data and can go back to 800,000 years and uses scientific equipment
Milankovith cycle consists of
eccentricity (changes in shape of orbit), obliquity (tilt), precession (wobbles)
What are the natural causes of climate change ?
Milankovitch Cycle (obliquity, eccentricity, precession), Sunspots (dark spots on the suns surface), Volcanic Eruptions