anushka shanka

Cards (7)

  • Anoushka Shankar, Breathing Under Water: Burn Listen to Track 3 of the CD and refer to Excerpt 3 in the resource booklet. (a) (i) Name the melody instrument which plays in bar 1.
  • (ii) Describe the melody in bars 1 to 2.
    Improvised , Starts ascending , Later descending ,conjunct
  • (b) Describe the melody in bars 9 to 12.

    Descending,Sequence ,Conjunct / step, Ornamentation
  • (c) Identify the section which starts at bar 17.
    Chorus / refrain
  • (d) Identify two features from the list below that describe the harmony in this excerpt.
    F & G
  • (e) Name the instrument which enters at bar 25.

  • (f) Describe the popular music features which make this piece an example of fusion
    Riffs , Diatonic , Vocal style , Backing vocals