music mock questions

Subdecks (3)

Cards (26)

    • Listen to Track 3 and refer to Excerpt 3 in the resource booklet. (a) (i) Name the type of ensemble playing in this piece.
    string orchestra
  • (bH)(ii) Identify three playing techniques used in the excerpt.
    double stopped,down bows,mutes/con sord
  • (bH) (b) Describe the music of the first two bars.
    hitchock chord ,accents
  • (BH)(c) Identify the harmonic device heard in the cello and double bass at bar 3 beat 2 to bar 8
    tonic pedal
  • (BH)(d) Compare bars 11 to 14 to bars 5 to 8.
    same melody,louder
  • (bh)(e) Describe the melody at bars 37 to 44
    two phrases ,legato,conjunct,asends &descends