beatles i want to tell u

Cards (7)

  • Beatles, Revolver: I Want to Tell You Listen to Track 1 of the CD and refer to Excerpt 1 in the resource booklet. (a) Name the recording technique used at the start of the excerpt.
  • (b) Identify three words or phrases from the list below that describe the harmony in bars 1 to 4.
  • (c) Compare the vocal parts in bars 10 to 15 with bars 5 to 9 by giving one similarity and one difference.
    close harmonys,10-15 decends,5-9 ascends
  • (d) Describe the harmony in bars 10 to 13.
    single chord, dissonance
  • (e) (i) Name the section that starts at bar 5
    verse one
  • (ii) Name the section that starts at bar 27.
  • (f) Describe the melody and rhythm from bars 27 to 34.