Beatles, Revolver: I Want to Tell You Listen to Track 1 of the CD and refer to Excerpt 1 in the resource booklet. (a) Name the recording technique used at the start of the excerpt.
(b) Identify three words or phrases from the list below that describe the harmony in bars 1 to 4.
(c) Compare the vocal parts in bars 10 to 15 with bars 5 to 9 by giving one similarity and one difference.
closeharmonys,10-15 decends,5-9 ascends
(d) Describe the harmony in bars 10 to 13.
singlechord, dissonance
(e) (i) Name the section that starts at bar 5
(ii) Name the section that starts at bar 27.
(f) Describe the melody and rhythm from bars 27 to 34.