"The Scripture cannot be set aside" -John 10:35
"The Scripture must be fulfilled" -Luke 24:44; Acts 1:16
"It is written..." (cf. Mk 4:4, Acts 15:15; Rom 1:17; 1 Pt 2:6) this means that the arguments taken from Scripture cannot be refuted
"I can never dare to think or to say that there are contradictions in the Sacred Writings. If there are instances that seem to be such in Scripture, I must confess that I do not yet understand what they mean, and I will try to persuade anyone who has the suspicion that there are contradictions in the Scripture to have the same mind as I have" -St. Justin, Dial. C. Triph., 65
"If in these Scriptures I meet something that seems contrary to truth, without any hesitation, I would think that either the text which I am reading is defective, or that the translator was not capable to render the thinking of the original faithfully, or that I do not understand anything" -Letter of Saint Augustine to Saint Jerome (Epist. 82, 1, 3: PL 33, 277)
"Anything in the Sacred Scripture is true" -St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae II-II, q. 171, a6