
Subdecks (3)

Cards (33)

  • Statistical abnormality is when a persons behaviour or trait is rare or statistically unusual.
    Strength: Provides an objective way, based on data, to define abnormality.
  • Deviation from social norms is when a persons thinking or behaviour violates the (unwritten) rules about what is acceptable behaviour in a social group.
    Limitation: Social norms vary from culture to culture. This means that what is considered normal in one culture may be considered abnormal in another. This is called cultural relativism.
  • Failure to function adequately is when a person cant carry out a range of behaviours that society would expect. For example, getting out of bed, holding a job.
    Strength: Provides practical checklist that can be used to check abnormality.
    Limitation: F.F.A may not be linked to abnormality, but other factors. For example, failing to hold a job is more likely due to the economic situation.
  • Deviation from ideal mental health: Six criteria (Resistance to stress, growth, high self-esteem, autonomy, accurate perception of reality) If even 1 isn't met then you are abnormal.
    Limitation: These ideas are culturally bound, based on Western ideas of ideal mental health, and should not be used to judge other cultures.
    Strength: Can help people set clear goals to achieve ideal mental health.