Cards (7)

  • OCD (Obsessive Compulsive disorder.)
    An anxiety disorder where the individual has uncontrollable thoughts (obsessions) coupled with a need to perform specific actions repeatedly (compulsions) which provides temporary relief.

    ->Some examples of compulsions they may feel are cleaning, washing, checking and counting.
  • Behavioural=Repetitive compulsions used to manage anxiety.
    Emotional=Anxiety, depression ->disrupts daily life.
    Cognitive=Obsessive thoughts, selective attention
  • Genetic explanations
    • Researchers have identified specific genes that create a vulnerability to OCD (the main ones are SERT and COMT).
    • Because there are multiple genes (up to 230) that are involved, means that OCD is 'polygenic'.
    • Further evidence shows that different types of OCD can be caused by variations in these genes,
  • Evaluating genetic explanations
    Strength)Gottesman found in twin studies that monozygotic twins have 87% concordance rate while dizygotic twins only have 47% which suggests that there is a genetic component in developing OCD.
    Limitation)Genes alone do not determine who develops OCD (concordance rate is never 100%), they only create vulnerability towards developing it.
  • Neural explanations of OCD
    • Believed that low levels of serotonin cause OCD. e.g. when serotonin/neurotransmitters are released from vesicles and travel through the synaptic gap, some of the serotonin is re-absorbed into the pre-synaptic neuron creating an imbalance.
    • The pre-frontal cortex manages high order functions like decision making. It is thought that a person who has OCD has an over-active PFC causing the obsessions and compulsions.
  • Evaluating neural explanations of OCD
    Strength)People with OCD have different brain to those w/o OCD. Brain scans of an OCD patient show increased activity in PFC.
    Limitation)There are multiple mental disorders which are characterised as being caused by low serotonin.
    ->Low serotonin is not specific to OCD, cannot be sure they are directly related.
  • Biological treatments of OCD
    SSRI's) block off receptors so that serotonin cannot be re-absorbed by pre-synaptic neurons.
    Limitation)Nasty side-effects (blurred vision, loss of sex drive.)
    Strength)Highly valued because it's cheap compared to therapy and a non-invasive way to help alleviate symptoms.

    Alternatives to SSRIs include Tricyclics which are a older type of antidepressant which have the same effect on the serotonin system but have more severe side effects.