Charles married French princess Henrietta Maria, made alliance with France, and relaxed penal laws against Catholics; he hoped his alliance would enable him to support his sister, Elizabeth, and her husband, in the Thirty Years' War
1. 1625 Charles asked Parliament for tax to fund an army to fight in Europe
2. 1629-40 11 years of 'personal rule' – Charles ruled without calling parliament; during this time, Charlesand Laud imposed severerestrictionson Puritan preaching and publications
3. 1635 Charles levied Ship Money – a tax to fund thenavy – on all towns including those inland
Tutor to James I; a Protestant Humanist who had travelled around European universities; influenced by John Calvin, Buchanan believed the Church should be led by elected 'elders'
Parish priest of Dry Drayton, Cambridgeshire; a committed Puritan who aimed to ensure that the villagers of Dry Drayton lived godly, Christian lives focused on prayer, reading the Bible and listening to preaching
Believed the Church of England established by Elizabeth I was not sufficiently Protestant; they feared that traditional Catholic ways would be reintroduced
Under Puritan influence, strict rules introduced banning entertainments such as theatre and gambling, closing ale houses, and making Sunday and Christmas strictly religious