Luther published three short pamphlets setting out further criticisms of the Church; these were printed and circulated in German for rulers and ordinary people to read
John Wyclif – criticised the power of the Pope and translated the Bible into English
Jan Hus – followed Wyclif's ideas in Bohemia, where his followers rebelled against the Pope
William Tyndale – translated the Bible into English and criticised the power of the Pope
Desiderius Erasmus – promoted education and wanted to reform the Church but supported the Pope
Martin Luther – monk from Germany; in 1517 he set out 95 criticisms of the sale of indulgences; this became a larger protest attracting popular support and protection from powerful rulers, leading to the Protestant Reformation
Main church service remembering Jesus's death, with bread and wine; Catholics believed the bread and wine became Jesus's body and blood, but Protestants disagreed