
Cards (15)

  • Collusion - where two firms will work together, rather than competing with each other (both raising prices)
    • mainly illegal
  • Overt collusion:
    • Price fixing collusion (illegal)
  • Tacit collusion:
    • no formal agreement, but firms closely monitor each other to try and work with each other
  • Oligopoly - top 5 firms own over 60% of the market
  • Oligopoly characteristics:
    • Few firms dominate the market - high concentration ratio
    • High barriers to entry/exit
    • Differentiated goods - PM
    • Non - price competition
  • Prisoner's Dilemma: A game in which two or more firms must decide whether to cooperate or compete, with each firm's decision affecting the other firms.
  • Nash equilibrium - a position that lasts in the long term and is sustainable for both firms, however is the lower outcome
  • Price rigidity - each firm must stick to the price for best possible profit, and thus rely on non price competition
  • Cartel - A group of firms that work together to fix prices and restrict output.
  • However, collusion may not last in the long term as, firms are incentivised to undercut the other firm to earn more profit, reaching the higher nash equilibrium
  • Price discrimination - where a firm charges a different price to different consumers for an identical good
  • First degree price discrimination - charging every consumer their maximum willingness to pay (MWTP)
  • second degree price discrimination - firms that reduce prices in order to sell spare capacity to increase revenue and meet fixed costs
  • third degree price discrimination - when a firm charges based on elasticities of demand eg. age, time
  • price discrimination:
    • Dynamic efficiency
    • Economies of scale
    • some consumers benefit
    • Allocative efficiencies
    • Inequality
    • Anti competitive pricing