My Last Duchess - A dramatic monologue, the Duke is talking about his dead wife.
Robert Browning - Author of "The Last Duchess"
Theme of "The Last Duchess" - Jealousy, greed, and power
Quotation Marks are made up of punctuations used in various writing activities to emphasize and set off a quotation, phrase, or direct speech.
We use it if we wish to directly obtain what a speaker says and to emphasize statements.
Double Quotation Marks should be used to indicate a direct quotation.
Example: "I like her," He said.
Commas are unnecessary if the quotation to be used is the subject of the sentence.
Example: "She has no virtue" is all the Duke implied.
Even if it is in the middle of a sentence, capitalize the first word in a quotation.
Example: Fra Pandolf chanced to say, "Her mantle laps over my lady's wrist too much."
Commas are to be used if a quote is to be interrupted or introduced.
Example: When walking down the hall, the Duke smiled and said to the envoy, "That's my last Duchess painted on the wall, looking as if she were alive!"
End a quote with a comma if it is followed by *he wrote, she said, etc.*
Example: "Nay, we'll go together down, sir," the Duke said.
It is a universal rule to includecommas and periods inside the quotation mark.
Example: "She had a heart - how shall I say? - too soon made glad, too easily impressed."
If technical terms, expressions, or unusual words are used, quotation marks are needed.
Example: "Wow!" is all the envoy could say.
If the statement or text runs for more than one paragraph, then start another paragraph with a quotation mark, only until the end of the statement.
Example: "Our team," the coach explained, "has been training tirelessly for this moment. We're ready to give it our all."
If a question is embedded in quotation marks in the middle of a sentence, the question mark replaces the comma.
Example: "Is killing her reasonable?" I wonder.
Place quotation marks when citing book titles, television series, series titles, broadway shows, musical albums, essay or informational articles, or any form of art embedded in the sentence.
Example: "Hamilton" has become one of the most popular Broadway shows of all time.
Speech Presentations come in different forms, depending on the situation it requires. These speech activities have one objective: to adequately deliver their intended message to their respective audience.
Types of Speech Presentations

Welcome Speech
Closing Remarks
Introducing a Guest Speaker
Toast - A speech intended to congratulate the achievements of a person.
Roast - It is a satirical version of a toast, wherein the "roastee" gets mocked, ridiculed, and embarrassed by relatives and close friends.
Tribute - A speech whose purpose is to inspire, motivate, and admire people for any kind of achievement, virtues, a service they have acquired for the community.
Welcomespeech - Greets his/her audience as if they were his/her guests, states the reason for the event, and acknowledges the contributions of the host.
Closing remarks - Essentially states the conclusion of the speech and the nuggets of information the audience has received.
Introducing a Guest speaker - In Introducing a guest speaker, the host orients the audience to who the speaker is by talking about his/her credentials and past speaking engagements.
Fra Pandolf is the one who painted the last duchess