Expliquez jusqu'a quel point ce film présente une image de la brutalité de la police
p1 yes:
opening scene, images from news - from the start police are portrayed as harsh
police station - police are aggressive, behaviour is shocking, highlights injustice, shows the 'violence gratuite', we see the hate of the police in a concrete way
end - kassovitz reflects what he wants to denounce = 'bavures policieres'
p2 no:
violence of youth e.g in hospital and towards mayor - shows how hate attracts hate
hubert says 'il y a encore des bons flics' - gives some hope
Examinez jusqu'a quel point les trois personnages principaux sont des personnages réalistes ou des stéréotypes
p1 no:
hubert is mature and not violent - his first scene, stops vinz being violent
vinz changes by the end - incapable of doing what he says he'll do, doesnt shoot police, doesn't shoot skinhead
p2 yes:
vinz is stereotypically aggressive, hates police, throws things at the mayor, rude towards women in museum
hubert is violent at the end, points gun towards police
none have jobs, they're bored
antisocial behaviour - they're on the roof, said writes with graffiti
Examinez les similarités et les differences entre Said, Vinz et Hubert dans La Haine
p1 similarities:
hate towards the police and authorities
said writes 'baisse la police' with graffiti
vinz threatens to kill police if abdel dies
hubert points gun towards police at end
p2 differences:
hubert wants to leave, knows violence isnt the answer
vinz is angry, wants to get revenge, 'tu connais un autre moyen pour se respecter'
said is childlike, immature, a joker, rebellious, relies on Nordine
"Les personnages principaux ne sont ni bons ni mauvais". Dans quelle mesure etes-vous d'accords avec ce jugement?
p1 agree:
vinz never acts on his anger, e.g threatens to shoot skinhead and police but doesn't
hubert becomes angry - not bad originally but becomes bad - he becomes a product of his environment
p2 disagree:
hubert wants to leave, knows the environment isnt good for him, tries to dissuade vinz from being aggressive
there is always a reason for vinz and hubert's aggression, e.g hubert is aggressive in the police station to protect said, vinz wants to shoot police because of abdel
Examinez l'importance des femmes dans ce film
p1 important:
show the lack of respect of most people towards women - e.g in the museum, said is rude towards them, even though they show some respect for him -> like hubert, they cannot escape their bad treatment, even if they try
p2 unimportant:
not many women in the film, only the female members of the close family of the vinz, said and hubert -> they don't have much of an impact on the storyline, as the main focus of the story is on police brutality
Examinez l'importance des personnes plus agées dans ce film
p1 important:
hate attracts hate -> youths are violent towards police and this is reciprocated -> no single cause to the problem of aggression and hate, maybe society is the main problem
the man in toilets tells the trio about his friend Grunwalski, the lack of presence of a male role model (french = modele) for the trio is highlighted
p2 unimportant:
the focus isn't on the age difference, but instead the differences and tension between the banlieusards, and the police and the people from outside the banlieues
Examinez l'importance de Vinz dans ce film
p1 fits stereotypes of youths:
attracted to weapons and violence -> bathroom scene, stole the police officers guns, excited when talking about riots
hates the police and authorities -> wants to kill a police officer, throws things at mayor
smokes cannabis, has hallucinations and violent fantasies -> representation of his violent personnality
p2 disproves stereotypes of youths:
incapable of doing what he says he'll do e.g shoot police, shoot skinhead -> helps humanise him (french = humaniser)
Examinez l'importance de Said dans ce film
p1 immature and rude:
steals sausage and needs Nordine to help him, shows poverty and immaturity -> fits in with stereotypes
delinquent -> writes 'said baisse la police' on CRS van
rude towards women in the museum -> lack of respect, fits in with stereotypes
p2 non violent:
tries to stop arguments between his friends with jokes
doesnt participate in riots, maybe scared of police -> shows how common bavures are, but also he steals cash -> shows poverty which is another key theme
Examinez l'importance de Hubert dans ce film
p1 mature and protective of friends
non violent, uses boxing as an escape
protects said in the police station, "le touche pas"
dissuades vinz from shooting and from pickpocketing, "un mois de placard pour vol a la tire, c'est pas glorieux"
p2 changes to be violent (maybe the main message in film)
reveals vinz's gun at the end when police officer shoots vinz -> still protective but has become violent, shows how hate attracts hate, chooses to resort to violence, he has become a product of his environment, provoked by death of his friend
Examinez jusqu'a quel point les trois personnages principaux se développent au travers ce film
p1 Vinz:
start: aggressive, pretends to shoot in mirror, threatens to shoot police
end: doesn't shoot skinhead or police officer, gives gun to hubert
p2 hubert:
start: non violent, uses boxing to escape, dissuades vinz from being violent
end: violent, resorts to violence, becomes product of his environment
p3 said:
doesn't change, starts and finishes film with a close up (fr = un gros plan) of his eyes, shows endless cycle (fr = cycle sans fin) of hatred
Examinez la répresentation des banlieues et du centre de Paris dans ce film
p1 banlieue:
boredom, unemployment shown with scenes of the trio doing nothing
banlieuesards are aggressive towards authorities -> throw things at mayor, fits with stereotypes, on the roof which is banned
p2 paris:
banlieusards are looked down on -> arrested at Asterix apartment
told off during museum scene
not allowed to be in hospital
Analysez l'effet d'habiter dans la banlieu sur le comportement du trio
p1 positive:
friendship shown: go to hospital to support abdel, hubert backs up said in police stat
p2 negative:
negative stereotypes, looked down on by the Parisiennes and the police
face poverty - said has to steal sausage, doesnt participate in riots to steal cash
no escape, hubert tries to escape but becomes product of his environment,