St John rivers

Cards (9)

  • “ firm, faithful and devoted full of energy zeal and truth“ 

    Fricative alteration really focuses on religion extents to his ambition it what make St John stand out.
  • “ tall, fair with blue eyes and Grecian profile“

    "Grecian profile" carries symbolic and cultural significance. The reference to Greek aesthetics invokes classical ideals of beauty and proportion, suggesting that St. John embodies qualities associated with ancient Greek culture and art. St. John's physical appearance may also serve to contrast him with other characters in the novel. By highlighting his tall stature, fair complexion, and Grecian profile, the quote distinguishes St. John from other characters and suggests that he possesses a unique and noteworthy presence within the story.
  • St John Rivers is a foil to Rochester both reveal deficient conversely in each other Mr Rochester is passionate as Jane describe his eyes as flaming whereas St john in cold and associated with ice rock and snow. Marriage to Rochester represents abandonment of principles for marriage whereas marriage to St John would be sacrificing passion for principles.
  • “ An auotere despotic nature ”

    Assonance shows he flow religious doctrine to a fault does it by duty not by will. ‘Despotic’ is controlled and harsh show he controls people around him especially women in his life
  • St John Rivers is named after john the baptist and reflect rivers jordan may have been based of popular Christian missonary Maryen
  • “ God and nature intended you for missionary’s wife “ 

    Declarative statement contains religous manipulation and disregards how Jane feels he cannot function beyind missionary service
  • “ you shall be mine; I claim you “

    Declarative statement reduces Jane to a tool for work repetition of “you” show she is his property this is typical of Victorian male and contrast to Rochester who see her as independent.
  • “ I claim you - not for my pleasure but for my sovereign‘s service”

    John's declaration ”not for my pleasure but for my sovereign's service" his commitment to duty and service. St. John's selflessness and dedication to a higher cause, he prioritizes obligations above personal desires .The juxtaposition of "pleasure" and "sovereign's service" a conflict of interest . St. John's character and raises questions about the sacrifices he is willing to make for duty theme of duty vs desire
  • ” The glen and sky spun round: the hills heaved! It was as if I heard summons from heaven“
    The pathetic fallacy when St John ask Jane to follow hike to India