Balance scenario 1

Cards (6)

  • Reliant on upper limbs and vision to maintain sitting balance (post illness)
    • Main Analysis Findings
    • impairment is in sitting
    • base of support - low level balance as relying on upper limbs
    • sensory - dependent on vision - can he close his eyes whilst balancing whilst sitting - VISION IS 10% OF SENSORY INPUT and helps form motor memories
  • Reliant on upper limbs and vision to maintain sitting balance (post illness)
    • Further tests/investigations you would like to do
    • strength and endurance of lower limbs and can they progress past sitting - as theyre reliant on upper limbs
    • vision assessment
    • maybe vestibular and somatosensory
    • postural assessment
  • Reliant on upper limbs and vision to maintain sitting balance (post illness)
    • A suitable outcome measure
    • Berg Balance Scale
  • Reliant on upper limbs and vision to maintain sitting balance (post illness)
    • Justification for selection of treatment:
    • start with patient in sitting, using both arms and both eyes open
  • Reliant on upper limbs and vision to maintain sitting balance (post illness)
    • progression:
    • close one eye, then both
    • remove one arm (maybe to reach for something), then both
    • progress patient to standing if possible
  • Reliant on upper limbs and vision to maintain sitting balance (post illness)
    • Justification of approaches to facilitated learning
    • cues - imagine an anchor attached to the middle of your body holding it down to maintain centre of gravity / base of support
    • imagery - image what youre about to do with your eyes closed
    • start with extrinsic feedback and knowledge of performance, progress to intrinsic feedback and knowledge or results
    • fade feedback
    • effective demonstration
    • stages of learning
    • simplification
    • distributed practice - refer to gait scenario 1