GDP - total goods and services produced by a country in a year
Total goods and services produced by a country in a year
Consumer Price Index
HumanDevelopment Index
Physical Factors Causing UnevenDevelopment
Landlocked (not close to the sea, less transport of goods)
Naturalhazards (land prone to flooding, earthquakes have to keep rebuilding land)
Lack of naturalresources (coal, gold, oil) too much may causecorruption
Climate (growing crops)
Infertilefarmland bad for development low foodproduction
Steeptopography (bad for farming)
Historical Factors Causing UnevenDevelopment
Conflict and war
Neo-colonialism (poor countries can't pay back)
Economic Factors Causing UnevenDevelopment
Not adding value to their raw materials meaning they make noprofit from trading
Poorcountries in debt - as they borrowed money from rich countries to build infrastructure
Political and Social Causes of Global Inequalities
Poor system of governance - dictatorship = good China rapid growth, corrupt development = slow development
Healthissues - diseases (cholera, malaria) bad healthcare system makes it spread more
Brain drains - the mosteducated people in poor countries move out of the country
Poorinternational relations
Consequences of Uneven Development
Healthcare is better in developed countries. More hospitals, more doctors, life expectancy in UK 81 Malawi is 63
The environment - Development = industrialisation
Rostow's Modernisation Theory
1. Stage 1 - traditional society - live on farms, eat crops that they grow
2. Stage 2 - preconditions for take-off - society id developing quickly, manufacturing sector will begin to grow. Countries begin to sell manufactured goods to other countries
3. Stage 3 - take off - urbanisation will begin, people move to cities, industrialises, wages rise and wealth increases
4. Stage 4 - drive to maturity - countries earn more money, demand for services in tertiary sector grows. Standard of living. Grows demand better healthcare and education
5. Stage 5 - mass consumption - mass production allows everyone to own consumer products, lots of trade
Frank's Dependency Theory
High interest rates - core countries charge peripheral countries high interest rates on any borrowing. Debt for peripheral countries
Core countries dominate world trade
Poor, peripheral countries stay poor because they are dependent on the rich, core countries. This is related to colonialism and neo-colonialism
Top-down strategies
Government have lots of money to invest in bigbuildingprojects
Government can pay long time periods and know they have enough money
Public officials are corrupt, the money may not be spent correctly
Government organisations are slow
Bottom-up strategies
Use the crowds and everyone's ideas
Local communities to support
Providejobs for locals
Poor people who have ideas are least likely to be funded
Cannotplan a project with insecurefunds
Increase in trade and communication between countries internationally
Transnational Corporations (TNCs)
Businesses that sell goods and services globally in lots of different countries
Supply chains that go across countries, spread skills across the world
Governments increase globalisation - European Union encourage globalisation
Freetradeagreements and removing tariffs encourages trade
Strategies for reducing Global Inequalities
IGO-funded large infrastructure projects
NGO-led intermediate tech
IGO-funded large infrastructure projects
Offer funding to improve a nation's energy, sanitation, or transport infrastructure
Interest rate on borrowing is high
Government will spend lots of money repaying loans
NGO-led intermediate tech
Fund the distribution of malaria nets
Create small economies in the areas that receive tech
Hard to scale intermediate tech
Large-scaleinfrastructure cannot be funded this way
Create jobs, trainlocal people in skills that are high in demand
Stop local businesses from emerging - competing with TNCs is hard