Explain one reason why lifeexpectancy often rises as the GDP per capita of a country increases.
Increaseeconomicgrowth and development in a country meaning that people have moremoney to spend on good and services like doctors meaning that the life expectancy increases.
Explain one way in which topography affects economicdevelopment.
Verymountainouscountries find it hard to industrialise and develop. Being landlocked
Explain how the economic growth in an emerging country such as India could lead to demographic change.
The development of the economy has improved the education of the population and so more people are pursuing a careerbeforehavingchildren, resulting in smaller families.
Explain one negativeimpact of rapideconomicdevelopment on humanhealth.
rapidpopulationgrowth which can cause stress on housingprovision and healthcare services.
Explain one way in which outsourcing affects economicdevelopment in an emerging country
TNC's provide jobs for population, lowskilled jobs more than they would earn compared to agriculture (higher wage). AttractFDI which helps improveservices in the country
Explain one advantage of top-downdevelopment strategies.
large scale projects due to big investments
Explain how Rostow's modernisation theory can be used to understand how countries develop over time.
Shows that from the traditionalsociety to massconsumption a country goes from the primarysector to tertiary sector more people have betterincomes and they develop over time. there is moretrading and increase in wealth
Explain how Frank'sdependencytheory can be used to explain how countries such as The Gambia find it difficult to develop
Peripheralcountries will continue being in debt to corecountries due to having to pay the corecountries back this means that they are neverable to develop as they have to rely on the corecountries
Explain one way in which high levels of ForeignDirectInvestment (FDI) might benefit an emergingcountry. FDI help improve infrastructure and services in the country
Explain one reason why economicgrowth leads to higherlevels of all types of pollution in emerging countries.
people have higherincome therefore have access to cars and technology which uses energy and this will burn fossilfuels (coal, oil). Which releases CO2emissions. Water pollution more strainedhigherpopulation, factories.
Explain two ways economicdevelopment can lead to waterpollution.
waterpollution is coming from factories due to industrialisation.Increasepopulation due to rural-migrationstrain on water services. People dumpingwaste because of migration.
Explain one disadvantage of intermediatetechnology.
smallscale so won't benefitmajority of the country this is because it is cheap and doesn't involve biginvestments
Explain one advantage of using intermediatetechnology.
easy to maintain and tailored for localpeoples needs
Explain twonegativeimpacts of the rapideconomicdevelopment of an emerging country on different agegroups.
Rural to urbanmigration - olderpeopleleftbehind in ruralareas.Youngerworking aged people competingforjobs
Explain one way that rapideconomicdevelopment has a positiveimpact on the environment
investment in renewableenergy, increased education so more people educated on impacts of fossil fuels etc