louis pasteur vs robert koch

Cards (10)

  • Louis Pasteur
    Robert Koch
  • Hungarian Rising 1956

    1. Nagy tried to leave the Warsaw Pact
    2. The Soviets invaded and the Hungarians fought back
    3. 30000 were killed
    4. Nagy was executed
  • Prague Spring 1968

    1. Dubcek tried to introduce 'socialism with a human face'
    2. Dubcek promised not to leave the Warsaw Pact
    3. Brezhnev sent in the army under pressure from East Germany and Poland
    4. The outcome was the Brezhnev Doctrine
  • Louis Pasteur

    • A French scientist who came up with 'germ theory'
    • He also invented Pasteurisation
    • He was able to make these discoveries using powerful microscopes
  • The Franco-Prussian War
  • Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch

    • They were constantly trying to out do each other with discoveries about bacteria
    • Their personal rivalry was linked to the French-German rivalry
    • The French and German government gave both Pasteur and Koch lots of money to carry out research
  • Robert Koch

    • He used Louis Pasteur's work to identify the first ever bacteria that affected humans: anthrax
    • He did this by staining bacteria with dye and taking photographs of it with cameras (cameras were a new invention)
  • Bacteria discovered by Robert Koch's team
    • Typhus = 1880
    • Cholera = 1883
    • Plague = 1894
  • How Louis Pasteur used Robert Koch's work

    1. Pasteur was able to then develop vaccines
    2. 1879 = Pasteur was able to explain who vaccines worked and created a vaccine for chicken cholera
    3. 1881 = Pasteur created a vaccine for anthrax
    4. 1882 = Pasteur created a vaccine for rabies