2-3 years: Develops a smooth gait, ability to jump, hop, throwing and catching large balls
3-4 years: Can climb stairs (bring both feet together on one step before going to next step), can jump, hop, play throw and catch, learn to ride a tricycle, kick a ball, build tower using blocks, mould clay into various shapes, scribble with crayon. Begins to show preference for right or left handedness and use hands for twisting motions required in opening door knobs, jar lids, holds pencil, eat using spoons and forks. Toilet trained
5-6 years: Capable of coordinated actions requiring body balance, muscle coordination for fine motor activities improves, can complete self-care tasks, can feed themselves without an adult's help. Can run faster, rides bicycle with training wheels, climb stairs sideway steps, play on swings like- jungle gym, see-saw, slide etc.