Increasepostural sway when asked to stand with narrow BOS, unable to reach outside of BOS. Needs to take a supportive step when eyes closed. (Visual reliance)
Main Analysis Findings
struggle with large BOS (feet together) in standing
off balance when eyes closed - visually dependent - VISION IS 10% OF SENSORY INPUT and helps form motor memories
internal perturbation - cant reach out side BOS
Increase postural sway when asked to stand with narrow BOS, unable to reach outside of BOS. Needs to take a supportive step when eyes closed. (Visual reliance)
Further tests/investigations you would like to do
refer to gait scenario 2
Increase postural sway when asked to stand with narrow BOS, unable to reach outside of BOS. Needs to take a supportive step when eyes closed. (Visual reliance)
A suitable outcome measure
refer to gait scenario 2
reach and grasp?
Increase postural sway when asked to stand with narrow BOS, unable to reach outside of BOS. Needs to take a supportive step when eyes closed. (Visual reliance)
Justification for selection of treatment
start with feet wide apart, both eyes open and reaching within BOS to build confidence and reduce injury
Increase postural sway when asked to stand with narrow BOS, unable to reach outside of BOS. Needs to take a supportive step when eyes closed. (Visual reliance)
Justification of approaches to facilitated learning
refer to balance scenario 1
Increase postural sway when asked to stand with narrow BOS, unable to reach outside of BOS. Needs to take a supportive step when eyes closed. (Visual reliance)
reach outside base of support, increasing distance