In Jamaica, led by Queen Nanny, they rebelled and fought back against colonial troops, eventually leading to a treaty in 1738 recognizing their freedom
The expansion of Maritime trading networks fostered the growth of some African States who participated in them, thus connecting these states to the global economic linkages these networks represented
They were able to provide highly desired Goods that European Traders were after like gold, ivory, and enslaved people, which made them so rich that they were able to expand their military and consolidate political power over more and more of the region
They made strong diplomatic ties with the Portuguese and provided them with things like gold, copper, and enslaved people, and the king converted to Christianity to facilitate trade with Christian states, which led to the expansion of their power and wealth
Middle Eastern, South Asian, East Asian and Southeast Asian merchants who had been using the Indian Ocean Trade Network for centuries before the arrival of the Europeans continued to use it even with the presence of European powers
European entrance into the Indian Ocean Trade Network increased profits not only for Europeans but also for many of the existing merchants who had always used the network for trade
Long-established Merchants like the Gujaratis continued to make use of the Indian Ocean trade even while Europeans sought to dominate it, and they significantly increased the power and wealth of the Mughal Empire through their ongoing participation
Despite growing European dominance on the sea, Overland routes like the Silk Roads were still almost entirely controlled by various Asian land-based Powers most notably Ming China, the Qing after it, and the Ottoman Empire
Peasant and Artisan labor continued and even intensified in many regions as demand for food and consumer goods increased as a result of multiplying trade connections, such as the increase in cotton production in South Asia and silk production in China for export
The opening of the Atlantic system of trade was completely new thanks to Columbus, and it was the movement of goods, wealth, and laborers between the eastern and western hemispheres that made Europeans stupid rich and powerful
King of the wealth in the Atlantic system, with the Spanish mining silver in the Americas and using it to purchase luxury goods from China, further developing the commercialization of their economy
Much of the labor in the Atlantic system came from coerced labor, whether it was forced indigenous labor, indentured servitude, or African slavery, and eventually enslaved Africans made up the bulk of the Imperial labor force in the Americas
An existing labor system developed by the Inca Empire, which the Spanish used for their silver mining operations, requiring subjects to provide labor on state projects for a certain number of days per year
A new form of slavery in the Americas where the purchaser had total ownership over the enslaved person, it was race-based and hereditary, and significantly impacted the demographics of various African states
Over the course of about 350 years, over 12.5 million Africans were sold to plantation owners in the Americas as part of the transatlantic slave trade, which was far more massive than the Indian Ocean and Mediterranean slave trades
Profound gender imbalance in West African states, changing of family structure leading to the rise of polygyny, and cultural synthesis resulting in the emergence of Creole languages in the Americas
A Spanish labor system that divided indigenous Americans among Spanish settlers who were then forced to provide labor in exchange for food and protection
Catholic missionaries, many of them Jesuits, were sent by Spain and Portugal to their colonies in the Americas to convert the indigenous people, leading to religious syncretism as some indigenous groups outwardly adopted Christianity but privately continued their own beliefs
In Spain and Portugal, Jews were expelled, while the Ottoman Empire opened its doors to the displaced Jews, some of whom rose to prominence in the Ottoman Court