faucet with running water, soap dish, soap or detergent, paper towel or paper square, nail brush, wastebasket
turn the faucet on using a paper towel or paper square, adjust the flow of the water, and then discard the paper towel in the wastebasket.
2. completely wet 2 inches up from the wrist down to the hands. Apply soap and work up a good lather.
3. right palm over left, left over right
4. palm to palm interlaced
5. back fingers to opposing interlock.
6. rotational rubbing of right thumb clasp in left palm and vice versa.
7. rotational rubbing backwards and forwards with tops fingers and thumb. right hand in left and vice versa.
8. use nailbrush in a rotating and rubbing motion for a full minute.
9. rinse well, one hand at a time by holding them under running water. turn the faucet off using the paper square or paper towel then discard. dry hands thoroughly using a paper towel then discard.