Blood Pressure

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Cards (83)

  • the amount of pressure in the arteries depends on two things

    the rate of heartbeat and how easily the blood flows through the blood vessels
  • systolic pressure

    when the heart is contracting, the pressure is highest. the first sound we heard
  • diastolic pressure

    when the heart is most relaxed, the pressure is lowest. the last sound we heard
  • blood pressure
    is the force of blood pushing against the walls of the blood vessels. the heart by pumping is constantly forcing blood to circulate
  • systolic pressure- normal & diastolic pressure- abnormal

    there is something wrong
  • hypertension or high blood pressure

    when a person's BP is higher than the normal range for his age and condition
  • hypotension or low blood pressure 

    when a clients BP is lower than the normal range for his age and condition.
  • shygmo
  • mano
  • meter
  • blood pressure is usually measured in
    millimeters of mercury (mmHg)
  • normal results

    in adults, the systolic pressure should be less that 120 mmHg and the diastolic pressure should less than 80 mmHg
  • pre high blood pressure
    top number is consistently 120 to 139 or the bottom number reads to 80 to 89
  • stage 1 high blood pressure
    top number is consistently 140 to 159 or the bottom number reads 90 to 99
  • stage 2 high blood pressure
    top number is consistently 160 or over or the bottom number read 100 or over
  • low blood pressure (hypotension)

    top number reading lower than 90 or pressure 25 mmHg lower than usual
  • parts of sphygmomanometer
    rubber bladder, inflation bulb, pressure cuff, index marking, aneroid manometer gauge, artery position indicator label, tube connectors/tubing
  • stethoscope
    ear piece, tubing, binaural, bell, diaphragm, (stem, ear tube, chest piece)
  • previous BP 130/90 mmHg

    always add 30 = 160 when inflating the inflation bulb
  • ideal for BP
    left side
  • what is the purpose for BP
    measures the pressure in the arteries as the heart pumps. A blood pressure test may be done as a part of a routine health checkup or as a screening for high blood pressure (hypertension).