10 pulse sites

Cards (13)

  • temporal pulse
    at the temple near the ear
  • carotid pulse

    last pulse detected when dying
  • carotid pulse
    on either side of the front of the neck just below the angle of the jaw(below earlobe)
  • brachial pulse

    can be located by feeling the bicep tendon in the area of the antecubital fossa (elbow for BP)
  • radial pulse
     between your wrist bone and the tendon on the thumb side of your wrist. (in line as thumb)
  • radial pulse
    used for quack doctors
  • femoral pulse
    bulog (distal to the inguinal ligament less than halfway from the pubis to the anterior superior iliac spine.)
  • popliteal pulse

    behind your knee
  • pedal pulse or dorsalis pedis
    lapa lapa dorsum of your feet
  • apical pulse
    nipple line (left side only)
  • posterior tibial
    ust behind the medial malleolous. 
  • posterior tibial
    behind your ankle kiting
  • ulnar
    in line sa finger kumingking (on the medial (pinkie) side of your forearm.)