Hearing and Speech

Subdecks (2)

Cards (41)

  • pinna
    collects the sound and amplifies it
  • auditory canal
    1. links outer and middle ear 

    2. transmits sound waves into the skull
  • tympanic membrane 

    converts soundwaves into physical vibrations in the membrane (eardum)
  • ossicles
    malleus (hammer), incus (anvil), stapes (stirrup)
  • function of ossicles
    transmit vibrations from the tympanic membrane to the inner ear
  • eustachian tube
    links back of nose to middle ear
  • Eustachian tube
    equalises pressure differences between middle ear and external environment
  • inner ear
    where physical vibrations are converted into nerve signals
  • membraneous labyrinth
    system of fluid-filled chambers and channels
  • vestibular system 

    provides us with a sense of balance and spatial awareness
  • semi-circular canals
    detect rotation
  • otolith organs
    linear acceleration
  • endolymph
    fluid in the semi-lunar canals that flows when the head is moved
  • crista ampullaris
    responsible for translating flow of endolymph to nerve signals
  • excessive triggering of crista ampullaris
    motion sickness
  • otholith organs - urticle 

    detects horizontal movement
  • otholith organs - saccule 

    detects verticle acceleration
  • macula
    patch of sensitive hair cells, enclosed in a gelatinous layer
  • scala vestibuli 

    connected to the oval window and the stapes
  • scala tympani
    connected to round window which opens the middle ear
  • helicotrema
    connects scala tympani to scala vestibuli
  • scala media 

    between vestibular and tympanic canals, connected to the saccule
  • organ of corti 

    lined with internal and external hairs and sends axons to the cochlear nerve and hence to the brain via VIII auditory
  • basilar membrane
    sound waves cause it to stimulate the hair cells