Hearing Impairment

Cards (10)

  • hearing loss and hearing function measured in 

    units of dBHL
  • air conduction
    sounds detected through the usual auditory route
  • bone conduction
    sound conducted directly into the cochlea through the bone in the skull
  • conductive hearing loss
    physical damage or obstruction to the outer or middle ear
  • neural hearing loss
    permanent damage to hair cells or nerves in the inner ear
  • conductive hearing loss example 

    normal bone conduction and impaired air conduction
  • causes of conductive hearing loss 

    ear infection, earwax, hole in eardrum, fluid in middle ear
  • neural hearing loss example

    impaired bone conduction, and impaired air conduction
  • causes of neural hearing loss 

    damage to hair cells, damage to auditory nerve, neurodegeneration (noise exposure or age)
  • when is a hearing aid needed? 

    if hearing less than 55dBHL