generate an amount of profit obtain through the difference between the higher borrowing interest rate and the lower deposit interest rate.
the financial market is a market place between those who have an excess and those who have a need for capital. those who have an excess of capital know exactly from which institution they are buying financial products and thus transferring their captital.
an investor either buy or sell financial products. investors can be classified as [1] individual investors
[2] institutional investors
markets is one way of differentiating between financial markets in terms of money markets and capital markets.
MONEY MARKET- it is where financial products have life span of less than one year
CAPITAL MARKET - it is where the financial products hae life span of more than 1 year
another way of distinguishing financial products is primary and secondary market
financial products can be issued by the government or companies
a financial products is issued by investors in the primary markets
in secondary market we have the possibility to trade the financial products which was purchased from the primary or secondary market itself
the existence of secondary market increases the liquidity of the financial products that is it is with the which a financial market can be converted into money
a thrid way of differentiating market is in terms of organised exchanges and over the coutner markets
organised exchanges represent particular location where brokers will undertake the transaction of financial products on behalf if buyers and sellers whereas OTC markets is where the transactions occur at different location undertaken through dealers unlike the brokers can purchase and sell the finacial products for their own acoutn and then redo trading with the investors . in the process they will try to generate a profit
both stocks offer an ownership in the comapany to the stock holders. the holder s of preferred stocks will received dividend prior to ordinary stock holders. ordinary stock holder have voting rights during the general meetings organised by the company whereas preffered stock holders do not have voting rights.
Buy order
An order placed by an investor to purchase a stock
market capitalisation is commonly used for measuring the size of a company or industry or sector or a size of a stock market . formalae ismarketpriceofcompanystocktimeT∗numberofstocksissuedbycompanyattimeT
a market ondex or market indices are used to measure the performance of stock market .