Overreliance on one leg in standing due to unilateral leg weakness- taking supportive step when asked to reach out of base support towards affected leg. Unable to tandem stand, unable to stand on affected leg for more than 2 seconds
Main Analysis Findings
BOS - struggles with tandem standing (one foot in front of the other) and unable to stand on affected leg for more than 2 seconds
Physical - struggles with internal perturbation - cant reach out of base of support within taking supportive step due to unilateral leg weakness
Overreliance on one leg in standing due to unilateral leg weakness- taking supportive step when asked to reach out of base support towards affected leg. Unable to tandem stand, unable to stand on affected leg for more than 2 seconds
Further tests/investigations you would like to do
quads and hamstrings strength test for weightbearing on affected leg
test sensory systems e.g. check weightbearing ability of affected leg on different surface to see if theres any differences
Overreliance on one leg in standing due to unilateral leg weakness- taking supportive step when asked to reach out of base support towards affected leg. Unable to tandem stand, unable to stand on affected leg for more than 2 seconds
A suitable outcome measure
functional mobility assessment
berg balance scale
quads and hamstring strength
Overreliance on one leg in standing due to unilateral leg weakness- taking supportive step when asked to reach out of base support towards affected leg. Unable to tandem stand, unable to stand on affected leg for more than 2 seconds
Justification for selection of treatment
strengthen quads and hamstrings
start by standing with feet together or tandem stand and using arm to stabilise themselves on bar
start with wide bos, reach within bos, then out of bos, then shorten bos and repeat as progression, progress to tandem
Overreliance on one leg in standing due to unilateral leg weakness- taking supportive step when asked to reach out of base support towards affected leg. Unable to tandem stand, unable to stand on affected leg for more than 2 seconds
remove on arm from the bar, stabilise with one arm, reach out of BOS with other arm
start with wide tandem, progress by bring feet closer together
stand on one leg whilst holding onto bar, progress to remove safety bar OR start both feet on ground, progress by putting unaffected leg on small step to remove it from WB, then increase height of stool
Overreliance on one leg in standing due to unilateral leg weakness- taking supportive step when asked to reach out of base support towards affected leg. Unable to tandem stand, unable to stand on affected leg for more than 2 seconds
Justification of approaches to facilitated learning