Increased sway in tandem stance. Able to single leg stand on affected leg for at least 10 but needing to put foot down with nudge test. Unable to reach beyondbase of support on affectedside when in single leg stand
Main Analysis Findings
high level balance - medium BOS in standing - swaying in tandem stance
high level balance - small BOS in standing - can single leg stand for 10 seconds
physical - high level balance - needs to put foot down in external perturbation (nudge) - stepping strategy
physical - medium level balance - unable teach outside BOS in single leg stand
Increased sway in tandem stance. Able to single leg stand on affected leg for at least 10 but needing to put foot down with nudge test. Unable to reach beyond base of support on affected side when in single leg stand
Further tests/investigations you would like to do
check sensory systems e.g. does vision affect ability, does surface of floor affect ability
quads and hamstrings strength/endurance test
equal line of gravity?
Increased sway in tandem stance. Able to single leg stand on affected leg for at least 10 but needing to put foot down with nudge test. Unable to reach beyond base of support on affected side when in single leg stand
A suitable outcome measure
functional mobility assessment
berg balance scale
quads and hamstringstrength/endurance
reassessline of gravity
Increased sway in tandem stance. Able to single leg stand on affected leg for at least 10 but needing to put foot down with nudge test. Unable to reach beyond base of support on affected side when in single leg stand
Justification for selection of treatment
start in single leg stand, stabilising with safety bar with both hands whilst being nudged
quads and hamstring strengthening/endurance
Increased sway in tandem stance. Able to single leg stand on affected leg for at least 10 but needing to put foot down with nudge test. Unable to reach beyond base of support on affected side when in single leg stand
single leg stand, being nudged with one hand stabilising
start to reach outside base of support whilst stabilising one hand - e.g. aim to put a sticker on the mirror, then increase the distance between the pts and the mirror, then make it more realistic
Increased sway in tandem stance. Able to single leg stand on affected leg for at least 10 but needing to put foot down with nudge test. Unable to reach beyond base of support on affected side when in single leg stand
Justification of approaches to facilitated learning