Types of long term memory

Cards (7)

  • Episodic memory stores events from our lives - the store has been likened to a diary
  • Episodic memories are complex; they involve several elements as people, places, objects, behaviours are all encased in one memory. You have to make conscious effort to recall them.
  • Semantic memory stores our knowledge - like an encyclopedia or a dictionary. Semantic memories are not time-stamped, our memories are less personal and more about knowledge we all share.
  • Procedural memory is about our knowledge of actions and skills - like driving a car or tying our shoe laces. These memories can be recalled with little to no effort and we can often find it hard to explain these skills to others.
  • One strength of our episodic memories is that they have been supported by case-study evidence. The clinical studies into amnesia of HM and Clive Wearing showed both had difficulty in recalling past events. But, their sem. memories were intact. This supports multiple LTM stores.
  • A limitation is that there are problems with clinical evidence. Evidence is often based on this, which means there is a serious lack of control of variables in these studies. Can be diff to generalise from these case studies to determine the exact nature of LTM
  • Another strength of diff LTM stores is that is has real life applications. Psychologists can target diff types of memory to improve people's lives. Belleville (2006) found that episodic memories can be improved in older people with mild cognitive impairments. Highlights the benefits of distinguishing the diff LTMs.