G214 SU2 Sex Chromosomes

Cards (42)

  • What are the 2 categories of sex determination
    Genotypic and environmental
  • What type of chromosomes characterize sex and are referred to as sex chromosomes
  • What system is XX/XO
  • What system is XX/XY
  • What type of sex determination does insects (eg butterflies) have?
  • What type of sex determination does mammals and some insects have?
  • What type of sex determination does birds, fish, reptiles etc have?
  • What type of sex determination does bees and ants have?
  • What is a heterogametic sex?
    Forming different gametes, for example males
  • What is a homogametic sex?
    Forming 1 type of gamete, for example females
  • What determines the sex of a foetus?
    The male gamete
  • What causes Klinefelter syndrome?
    More than 1 X chromosome with Y present
  • What causes Turner syndrome?
    Only 1 X chromosome
  • What is a pseudoautosomal region on the Y chromosome?
    Homology with X chromosome allowing recombination during meiosis
  • Where is the pseudoautosomal region located on the Y chromosome?
    On the tips
  • Where is the nonrecombining (male specific) region located on Y chromosome?
    In the middle
  • Where is the sex determining region on Y?
    Between the nonrecombining and pseudoautosomal regions
  • In which phase does dosage compensation occur?
  • What is a sex chromatin body (Barr body)
    inactivated X chromosome
  • What concept does the Lyon hypothesis support?
    Dosage compensation
  • According to Lyon hypothesis, which stage does X deactivation occur?
  • What is sex linkage?

    If the gene is on the X chromosome the female parent will have 2 copies of the gene and the male parent only one copy
  • In sex linkage, males are not homozygous or heterozygous but
  • What are autosomal genes responsible for in sex linkage?
    existence of contrasting phenotypes
  • What is sex limited?

    Both sexes carry the alleles for a trait but they are only expressed in one sex and no penetrance in the other
  • What is sex influenced?

    Sex of individual influences the expression of phenotype that is not limited to one sex, therefore dependent on hormone constitution which results in a higher penetrance in one or other sex
  • Does Y chromosome play a role in sex determination in drosophila?
    1. Offspring produced by female with nondisjunction of X chr during meiosis
    2. Progeny of triploid females
  • What is XXY classified as
    trisomic female
  • What is XO classified as
    monosomic sterile male
  • Does Y chr cause maleness in drosophila?
  • What is the formula for triploid?
  • Sex determination in drosophila
    Ratio of X chr to the number of haploid sets of autosomes determines sex
  • What determines sex in drosophila?
    Lack of X chromosome and genes on autosomes
  • What determines femaleness in drosophila?
    Extra X chr and genes on X chr
  • What is the genic balance theory
    Threshold for maleness is reached when X:A ratio is 1:2 (0.5)
  • What is the sex-lethal X linked gene
    Activation of gene if sex ratio = 1.0 (female) and non-activation of gene if sex ratio < 1.0 (male)
  • Dosage compensation in drosophila
    No X chr inactivatioon and transcription of male X linked genes doubles
  • What is environmental sex determination
    Sex is governed by internal and external environmental conditions
  • What animals rely on temperature dependent sex determination
    Crocodiles, turtles and lizards
  • What has an effect on sex differentiation with temperature dependent sex determination
    Effects on temperature on androgens, estrogens and their synthesis enzymes