cours 2

Cards (52)

  • Research Designs Used by Social Psychologists
    • Observational Method
    • Correlational Approach
    • Experimental Method
  • Theory
    Principle or body of interrelated constructs that purports to explain or predict a number of interrelated phenomena
  • Construct
    An abstract concept
  • Hypothesis
    Derives from theories, a statement that makes generalizations about a set of facts, usually forming a basis for possible experiments, is testable
  • Operationalisation
    Turning abstract conceptual ideas into measurable observations
  • Independent Variable (IV)

    Has at least two levels that we either manipulate or observe to determine its effects on the dependent variable
  • Dependent Variable (DV)

    The outcome variable that we hypothesize to be related to, or caused by, changes in the independent variable
  • Mediation
    • Total effect
    • Partial mediation
    • Full mediation
  • Moderator
    • Changes the strength or direction of the impact of X on Y
  • Moderated Mediator
    • Mediation may only apply under certain conditions of the moderator
  • Moderator
    Changes the strength or direction of the relationship between IV and DV
  • Mediator
    Explains the relationship between IV and DV
  • Mediators in day to day life

    • Tennis serve -> Ball flight -> Score
    • Feeling hungry -> Eating -> Satiety
    • Extraversion -> More socialization -> More friends
    • Education -> Better salary -> Larger apartment
    • Brushing teeth -> Fresh breath -> Willingness to kiss
    • Attitude towards Justin Bieber -> Buying tickets -> Attending concert
    • Relevance of tech for profession -> Perceived usefulness -> Intent to use
    • Skills -> Performance -> Promotion
    • Insulting boss on Facebook -> Boss's anger -> Termination
  • Moderators in day to day life

    • Vacation -> Temperature -> Satisfaction
    • Mode of transport -> Time -> Travel time
    • Alcohol consumption -> Social context -> Social acceptance
    • Performance -> Extent of reward -> Job satisfaction
    • Cocaine use -> Method of consumption -> Intensity of high
  • Social psychological research has a focus on theory-oriented research
  • Central impulses for social psychological research have also come from spectacular or unusual phenomena
  • Research Designs in Social Psychology
    • Observation
    • Correlation
    • Experiment
  • Research Designs Used by Social Psychologists
    • Observational Method
    • Correlational Approach
    • Experimental Method
  • Theory
    Principle or body of interrelated constructs that purports to explain or predict a number of interrelated phenomena
  • Construct
    An abstract concept
  • Hypothesis
    Derives from theories, a statement that makes generalizations about a set of facts, usually forming a basis for possible experiments, is testable
  • Operationalisation
    Turning abstract conceptual ideas into measurable observations
  • Independent Variable (IV)
    Has at least two levels that we either manipulate or observe to determine its effects on the dependent variable
  • Dependent Variable (DV)

    The outcome variable that we hypothesize to be related to, or caused by, changes in the independent variable
  • Mediation
    The effect of an independent variable (X) on a dependent variable (Y) is partly or fully explained by an intervening variable (M)
  • Moderator
    A variable that changes the strength or direction of the relationship between an independent variable (X) and a dependent variable (Y)
  • Moderated Mediation

    The mediation effect depends on the level of a moderator variable
  • Social psychological research has a focus on theory-oriented research
  • Central impulses for social psychological research have also come from spectacular or unusual phenomena
  • Research Designs in Social Psychology
    • Observation
    • Correlation
    • Experiment
  • Observation Method
    • Participatory vs. passive
    • Open vs. covert
    • Systematic vs. unstructured
    • Reactive vs. non-reactive
  • Observation Method

    • Festinger's "When Prophecy Fails" study
  • Events before, while and after EOW (End of World)

    1. Before: group is very secluded, avoids interviews
    2. December 20, 1954: The group expects to be taken to a spaceship at midnight
    3. 12:05 am. December 21. No aliens. Group sits in stunned silence
    4. 4:45 am. Another message by automatic writing is sent
    5. Afternoon, December 21. Newspapers are called; interviews are sought
  • Correlational Research Design
    • Investigates relationships between two variables without the researcher controlling or manipulating them
    • Coefficient (r) ranges from -1.00 to 1.00
  • Correlation Coefficients
    • IQ and highest educational degree: .70
    • Gender and height: .67
    • Viagra and sexual functioning: .38
    • Sleeping pills and insomnia reduction: .30
    • Nicotine patch and abstinence outcome: .18
    • Aspirin and reduced risk heart attack: .02
  • Correlation does not tell you about causality
  • Experimental Research Design
    • Independent variable (IV) is manipulated to see the impact on the dependent variable (DV)
    • Subjects are randomly distributed to the conditions of the IV
    • Cover story, manipulation check, post-experimental explanation
  • Laboratory Experiment

    • Conducted in a highly controlled environment
    • Extraneous variables are closely controlled, increasing internal validity
    • Artificial nature reduces external validity, participants may change behaviour due to demand characteristics
  • Experiment
    The real experiment: Conducted in a highly controlled environment. The IV is manipulated to see the impact on the DV, whilst the effects of other variables are minimized as far as possible.
  • Laboratory experiment
    • Extraneous variables are closely controlled, meaning the IV is likely to have affected the DV, increasing the internal validity of the study
    • Research can be easily repeated as there will be a controlled, standardised procedure, increasing the reliability of the results