The Care Act relates to those who are receiving or being assessed for social care.
Aspects of The Care Act
Promote wellbeing
Continuity of care
Childneeds assessment
Adult safeguarding
Advocates are available
Provide preventative services
The Health & Social Care Act allows service users to be more in control of their care and allows care providers to commission care that meets individualsneeds.
Aspects of The Health & Social Care Act
'no decision about me without me'
Public health
Health watch
Health and wellbeing boards
Clinicalcommissioning groups
The MentalCapacity Act is a law that sets out a legal framework of principles and procedures in order to safeguard and empower those who lack capacity and can't make their owndecisions.
Aspects of The Mental Capacity Act
Presumecapacity unless proven
Support to make decisions
Unwise decisions
Best interests
Lessrestrictiveoption on human rights
Aspects of GDPR - Data should be:
Not shared outside the EU
Processed in line with individuals rights
Collected lawfully and fairly
Used only for intended purpose
Kept no longer than necessary
Accurate and Uptodate
Adequate, relevant and not excessive
The Human Rights Act sets out the rights that people are entitled to.
Aspects of The Human Rights Act
Rights to life
Right to privacy, respect and family life
Right to liberty and security
Right to freedom from discrimination
Right to freedom of expression
Right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion
Aspects of The Children Act
Be protected from harm and abuse
Have the right to an advocate
Children's commissioner set up
Promotes partnership working
Paramountcy principle
Parts of The Children & Families Act
Children's Commissioner
The Family courts
Families have a child
The Children & Families Act: Children's commissioner
Has stronger powers
Promotes rights of all children
Focuses on all children
The Children & Families Act: Family who have a new child
Both parents can shareparental leave
Can both go to 2 antenatal appointments
Can get time off for clinical appointments
Adopting parents can have time off to see child
The Children & Families Act: Family courts
26 week deadline on proceedings
Promotes bestoutcomes for the child
Divorced parents should both be involved on their child's care
Single child arrangements order
The Children & Families Act: SEND
Introduced EHC plans
Parents are involved
Children are assessed holistically
Can help to see what people are entitled to
Personal budget
Helps to get more support in school
Helps education ,health and social care to worktogether
Aspects of The Equality Act
Women can breastfeed in public
Paysecrecyclauses are illegal
Prohibits discrimination on protectedcharacteristics
Discrimination due to association is an offence
Prohibits discrimination in employment, education and accessing services
Covers victimisation and harassment
Reasonableadjustments should be made to make services accessible
Positive action should be taken to promote those who are underrepresented