USSR gain of control by 1948

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  • Iron Curtain - by 1946 Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Albania had communist governments in control who were loyal to Stalin. Churchill described it as an Iron Curtain now separating Soviet East and the West
  • Cominform - created in october 1947 to coordinate communist parties in eastern europe. This also allowed Stalin to keep an eye on Eastern Europe and control them
  • Greece 1947 - After Germans left in 1944, there was a civil war between monarchists and communists. Britain sent troops to Greece in 1945 to restore peace and supported the monarchists. 1946 USSR claimed Britain was a threat to peace in Greece but UN did nothing. Civil war broke out and Britain announced 24th Febuary they were pulling out due to cost but USA stepped in and paid for British troops to stay. By 1950, Monarchists won
  • Truman Doctrine - 1947, Truman announced that the US would provide military aid to countries that were threatened by communism
  • Marshall plan - Truman thought communism was popular in places of poverty so sent General George Marshall to assess the economic state of Europe. He found Europe owed $11.5 billion to USA and most countries were still on rationing and had shortages of good. December 1947, Truman went to congress saying 17 billion should go to Europe to build it up. Congress refused
  • Czechoslovakia 1948 - Czechoslovakia had become communist by coalition. Soviet politicians purged out the anti-Soviet politicians. Pro american Jan Masaryk was killed. Communists claimed suicide, americans suggested murder and straight after congress agreed to Marshall Aid and 17 billion went to Europe
  • Effect of Marshall aid - USA wanted European market for goods.
    Marshall Aid was available for any government and economy USA approved of. an "open door" policy
    Stalin din't want anything to do with it and forbid any eastern european countries under soviet control from applying
  • NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organisation formed in April 1949. It was made up of Western European nations and America who promised mutual defence if any country was attacked. NATO was seen as a direct response to Warsaw Pact
  • Warsaw pact - In May 1955, USSR signed treaty with Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania and Czechoslovakia. These countries pledged themselves to defend each other against aggression from capitalist powers. The Warsaw Pact was set up because of NATO