Detecting abnormalsleep and activitylevels in domesticanimals can be difficult due to changes that confinement and modern nutrition have brought to animals
Understanding circadian (24hourcycles) and other rhythms helps us understand animal activity, sexual cycles, and physiological responses
Study of bondingbehavior between female and heroffspring, mutualrecognition, negligence or neglect by the female, nestbuilding, nursing, weaning, and learnedbehavior
Lambing jug helps female to bond with newbornoffspring
Important to understand differences in livestock behavior to improve comfort and health, solve practical problems of production, facilitate handling and improve handler safety and animal welfare
Important to understand that companion animals are still animals and may be unpredictable outside of normal environment
Further study can improve diagnosis and treatment decisions, identify animals in need of intensive treatment, and reduce euthanasia due to problem behaviors
Size of enclosure the animal is housed in, approaching animal at head seems to increase flight zone, size of zone diminishes when animals receive frequent, gentle handling
Standing outside the flight zone causes the animal to stop moving, standing in the flight zone causes the animal to start moving, moving in front of the point of balance causes the animal to back up
Curved chutes and solid fences prevent animal from seeing what is at the other end of the chute until its almost there, taking advantage of animal's natural tendency to circle around a handler
Dr. Temple Grandin is a Professor of Animal Science at Colorado State University, designer of livestock handling facilities, and nearly half of the cattle in North America are handled in systems that she designed for meat plants