living the christian life

Cards (19)

  • Liturgical worship

    A set form of worship that follows a pattern of words and is commonly found in the Anglican, methodist and catholic churches. Advantages - follows tradition, has a set of instructions, strengthens the community. Disadvantages - could become boring, ritualistic and impersonal
  • Non-liturgical worship

    Doesn't follow a set structure or agreed pattern of words and is more common in charismatic churches such as Pentecostal churches. Advantages - personal, spontaneous. Disadvantages - no structure, not knowing what to say
  • Sacraments
    Special holy action
  • Baptism
    Making a person a member of the church. Washes away sin. Infant baptism symbolises the washing away of original sin and welcomes the baby into the church. Baptist and Pentecostal churches believe that people should get baptised at a much older age so they can understand the ceremony and choose it themselves
  • Eucharist
    Recalls the last supper and bread and wine are shared to remember his death. The Eucharist reminds Christians of Jesus' sacrifice he made for humans. Catholics believe that the bread is his body and the wineries his blood
  • The Eucharist reminds people of how Jesus sacrificed his life to pay for human sins and the promise of an eternal life
  • Catholics believe in 'transubstantiation' which means the bread and wine are blessed by the priest and become the literal body of Jesus
  • Prayer
    It's a form of communication with God in which people can get closer to God and provide hope and guidance, it can either be public or private. Adoration - Christians view God as a father and they show love and respect. Praise - telling god that he is amazing and praising him. Confession - asking God for forgiveness when you have done something wrong. Thanksgiving - thanking god. Supplication - asking god for help. Intercession - asking god to help other people
  • Pilgrimage
    A special journey to a holy place. Christians would want to go on pilgrimage as Jesus went on pilgrimage to Jerusalem. They want to become closer to god, to be cured of an illness, a time to reflect and strengthen their faith
  • Places of pilgrimage

    • Jerusalem - where the last days of Jesus took place
    • Iona - small Scottish island
    • Taize - a small village in France where people are taught to be kind
    • Walsingham - a village in Norfolk which had a copy of Mary's house in Nazareth
  • Advent
    4 weeks before Christmas, when Christians prepare for the coming of Jesus. During this, Christians think about the incarnation and give thanks to God for sending his son to them. They use this period to prepare for Christmas and light candles for each of the days
  • Christmas
    Celebrated with a midnight mass on Christmas Eve and church services on Christmas morning. It's significant because it is a celebration of the incarnation, by being born as human, God made reconciliation and forgiveness of sins. It is also significant because it celebrates the virgin birth which shows that Jesus is not an ordinary person. It is a time for them to help the less fortunate
  • Holy week

    Palm Sunday - remembrance of when Jesus arrived in Jerusalem and the belief that he is the Messiah. Maundy Thursday - a special eucharist is held and the priest washes his congregation feet as a reminder of the Last Supper. Good Friday - marks the time when Jesus died on the cross which is followed by a 3-hour service. This is a reminder of Jesus' sacrifice and suffering
  • Easter
    Joyful services which celebrate Jesus' resurrection and the promise of eternal life. Because of his resurrection, humans are saved and can have eternal life
  • Missionary work

    Christians believe it was their mission to convert all people and believing in other religions is wrong. Nowadays Christians are more sensitive to different religions and beliefs
  • Evangelism
    Means sharing the good news of Jesus and salvation
  • Lots of Christians try to form a relationship with people who share their faith in God with them
  • The local church
    The centre of Christian identity and worship. Show their devotion to God at Sunday services. A place for communities to come together and for people to learn about their faith. Local Churches help others by providing food banks, youth groups etc.
  • The worldwide church

    Reconciliation - trying to bring people together in conflict. Jesus' death and resurrection brings forgiveness of sins. Charity - 'love thy neighbour'. The parable of the sheep and goat shows that God will judge people whether or not they have helped people. Persecution - ill treatment of an individual or group. There are some countries where being a Christian is not safe. They are taught that those who are persecuted for their faith will be rewarded by God in their afterlife