Ms temple

Cards (7)

  • “Good and very clever above the rest “

    The intensifier very show she morally superior to the other teachers and is an exemplar to students.
  • temple
    Her name being Ms temple is significant show she a place of sanctuary a safe space for the student. Bronte message through her is if she had a teacher like her her secondary school experience would have been better. She a warm hearted teacher at lowood and is a janes first positive role after Bessie. She virtuous and clears Jane name from accusation hold integrity inspite of strict regime
  • “ God bless you my children“
    personal pronoun “my” show she see the motherless girl as he own reflective as is their maternal figure and substitute for the girls.
  • ”It has to be done on my responsibility”
    the command phrase shows her humility after the girls eat burnt porridge this is Brontë message as she wish she has someone to protect her and her sister in boarding school.
  • “serene atmosphere I had been breathing in her vicinity“

    personification of the atmosphere show Jane see Ms temple as a place of freedom and expression almost heaven on earth in compression to her hell experience at Gateshead
  • When Ms temple leaves to get married it has a significant impact on Jane leaving her lost and lonely without her angel guardian.
  • “To her instructions I owed the best parts of my acquirements“
    The pronoun “her“ show jane and Ms temple personal closeness. The verb “owed “ show she feels indebted of her future to Ms temple as she thought she would never make it this far