Activist who founded Soul Fire Farm in New York and discussed the inequalities facing non-white farmers
The livestock industry has contributed the most to greenhousegas emissions, specifically CO2 emissions
Asia will contribute the most to the 50%increase in world energy use by 2050
SoulFireFarms is an example of a community program focused on helping the Afro-Indigenous Community
Types of agriculture
The Industrial Revolution has rapidly increased the emissions of greenhouse gasses
The UnitedStates produced the most amount of oil in 2014
Food production and populationgrowth
Positively related
Global temperature has increased by 0.7 degrees Celsius every 100 years
Evolution is one of the most basic naturalreasons for infectious diseases to emerge
A diet that increases the amount of fat in your bloodstream is the true cause of diabetes
Globalization and the rise of infectious diseases
Globalization led to the spreading of, and introduction of, various diseases to different parts of the globe
Society now needs to vigorously develop cleanenergy to reducepollution and mitigate climate change
One of the primary environmental challenges in our future is decouplingresource use from economic growth
The black death
Covid pandemic
Zika virus in Brazil
HIV/AIDS pandemic
Venezuela has the most oil reserves
Fair trade
Aims to equalizepower by providing growers with better marketinformation and creditterms
Oil production has brought destruction to wildlands, caused the deaths of many sea life, and increased the likelihood of wildfires
Oil is the most used energy in the world right now
Food desert
An urban area in which it is difficult to buy affordable or good-quality fresh food
Green Revolution
A process by which agriculture was privatized, and chemicals were massemployed within agriculture and farming in an effort to increase food production
Countries that sign up to the Kyoto Protocol and are unable to make their target within the timeframe will be penalized by the internationalcourt
Hubbert's1956 prediction was that oil production in the U.S. would follow a bell-shaped curve
The amount of greenhousegasses in the atmosphere is one of the most consistent variables that leads to temperaturefluctuations
Processedmeat was listed as the maincause of diabetes in the documentary "What the Health"
Kyoto Accord
An international treaty with a plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change, enforced in 2005
Advanced degrees in internationalstudies are crucial for securing high-level positions in international fields
Energy organizes economic production and influences dynamics of production and consumption
GATS and IPR influence trade regulations and protection of innovations
The Swedish government implemented a CO2emission tax, which is why Sweden's GDPincreased from 1990 to 2013 while their CO2emissions gradually decreased
Methods of agriculture
WangariMaathai founded the Green Belt Movement
New methods of soilre-enrichment were not part of the Green Revolution
Nuclearenergy is the best option to replacefossil fuels while being able to provideenergy to the whole world
Oil was not initially considered a viable commodity because it was geologically and geographically dispersed and required expensive infrastructure for extraction
The peak oil theory has prompted a shift towards moresustainable energy sources
Reducing Shein's large scale of manufacturing clothing and accessories aligns with de-production
Renewable energy has quadrupled in the past 10 years in the United States
Reasons why nuclear energy is not a viable substitute for fossilfuels in the present day
It is non-renewable
It is an expensive investment to create nuclear plants