Lecture 2

Cards (16)

  • Genotyping
    Determining the genetic makeup of an individual
  • Techniques for genotyping in pharmacogenetics/genomics

    • Genotyping for known polymorphisms
    • PCR-RFLP
    • Allele-specific PCR
    • Primer extension methods
    Digestion of NAT2 with *Ddel*
  • Allele-specific PCR

    • Involves using primers + allele-specific oligonucleotides
    • Probe includes fluorescent reporter and quencher
    • Only see fluorescence if probe binds + reporter released by 5'-nuclease of Taq polymerase as it extends
    • Diff colour reporters for each allele
    • Colour detected in RT-PCR
  • Taqman system

    1. Target DNA: Isolate the DNA to study
    2. Primers and Probes: Design short DNA pieces that match the target sequence
    3. PCR: Copy the target DNA many times
    4. Probe Cleavage: Probes are labeled with dyes; when cleaved, they release fluorescence
    5. Fluorescence Detection: Measure emitted light with a fluorometer
    6. Signal Measurement: Detect fluorescence to determine DNA quantity
    7. Genotyping: Analyse fluorescence patterns to determine genetic makeup
  • Primer extension methods

    1. PCR: Amplify DNA region containing the polymorphism
    2. Primer extension: Add primer near the polymorphism and extend
    3. Minisequencing: Determine base at polymorphism site
  • Sequenom
    1. Need to determine which polymorphism needs testing
    2. Create a specific test for this polymorphism
    3. Primer Selection: Use a normal primer matching the DNA sequence except for the polymorphic site, where dGTP is complementary to C. Other primers (A, C, and T) are dideoxynucleotides that can't be extended
  • Pyrosequencing
    1. Prepare PCR Product: Label one strand with biotin
    2. Isolate Biotin-labeled Strand: Separate and isolate the biotin-labeled DNA strand
    3. Add Primer: Introduce a primer that attaches near the polymorphism site
    4. DNA Polymerase & Detection System: Combine DNA polymerase with a detection system using luciferin
    5. Add Single DNA Bases: Sequentially add single DNA bases: dATP, dCTP, dGTP, and dTTP
    6. Real-Time Binding: The complementary base to the polymorphism site binds and releases pyrophosphate (PPi) in real-time
    7. Light Production: PPi reacts with the detection system, producing light
    8. Camera Measurement: Measure the emitted light with a camera and send the signal to a detector
    9. Heterozygous Detection: If the individual is heterozygous, there will be decreased signals for two different bases
  • Genome-wide association studies (GWAS)

    • Identify novel genes involved in disease or drug response
    • Strong linkage disequilibrium in human genome allows connections with genes some distance away from marker to be detected
  • Affymetrix gene chip
    • Oligonucleotides specific to DNA sequences are attached to quartz surface-gene chip
    • Detect hybridisation of fluorescently labelled DNA
  • Illumina bead chip
    • Need primer specific to each SNP
    • Can screen 1mil diff variations simultaneously
    • Each bead has specific primers attached
    • Input DNA not labelled
  • Typical GWAS result

    • Y-axis = -log of p values. Lower p value = higher number
    • Significance usually set to 0.05 x 10^-6 to correct for multiple testing
    • Red dots are genome wide significant
    • Green dots close to genome wide significant
  • Exome sequencing
    • Widely used in clinical genetics
    • Led to new information of genetic disease
  • Whole genome sequencing

    • Increasingly possible
    • Challenging to assemble and interpret data
  • Sanger sequencing

    1. DNA Breakdown: Use enzymes or heat to break DNA into pieces
    2. PCR: Mix DNA pieces, primers, DNA polymerase, and special nucleotides (ddNTPs)
    3. Gel Electrophoresis: Run PCR products through a gel to separate by size
    4. Visualization: Stain gel, view under UV light to see DNA bands
    5. Sanger Sequencing: Perform sequencing reactions with primers, polymerase, regular nucleotides, and ddNTPs
    6. Capillary Electrophoresis: Separate sequencing reaction products by size using capillary tubes and electric field
    7. Detection: Measure fluorescence or absorbance to determine DNA sequence
  • Illumina sequencing

    1. Library Prep: Break DNA, add adapters
    2. Cluster Gen: Attach fragments to surface, amplify into clusters
    3. Seq-by-Synthesis: Add fluorescent nucleotides, detect incorporation
    4. Imaging: Scan surface, capture fluorescent signals
    5. Base Calling: Analyze signals to determine sequence
    6. Data Analysis: Align and analyze sequences for final results