Plant system

Cards (16)

  • Root system

    Responsible for anchoring the plant in the soil and for absorbing water and minerals needed by the plant to survive
  • Root systems

    • Keep plants alive by expanding into new areas of the soil in order to access new sources of water and minerals
  • Types of root systems

    • Taproot
    • Fibrous
    • Adventitious
  • Taproot
    Main taproot that is larger and grows faster than the branch roots
  • Fibrous
    All roots about the same size
  • Adventitious
    Roots that form on any plant part other than the roots
  • Primary tissues of the root

    • Epidermis
    • Cortex
    • Vascular cylinder
  • Cortex
    Conducts water and dissolved minerals across the root from the epidermis to the vascular cylinder, and stores food transported downward from the leaves
  • Endodermis
    Innermost layer of the cortex that regulates the flow of materials between the cortex and the vascular tissues
  • Plant organ systems

    • Shoot system
    • Root system
  • Shoot system

    • Vegetative (non-reproductive) parts
    • Reproductive parts
  • Adventitious roots are a unique category of roots that develop from sources other than the radicle, and are modified for various purposes such as respiration, support and food storage
  • The absorption of water and dissolved minerals occurs through the epidermis
  • The endodermis regulates the flow of materials between the cortex and the vascular tissues
  • The primary tissues of the root are, from outermost to innermost, the epidermis, the cortex, and the vascular cylinder
  • Roots are often found below the surface of the soil, absorb water and nutrients, anchor the plant in place, and store food and nutrients for the plant's growth