Perform computations inside the brain that we call thought. They allow us to think, to plan ahead, to speak, to breathe, and they performcomplexconnections with other neuron's
Parts of a neuron
Cell body
Axon Terminal
Myelin function
Neurons responsible for transmittingsignals from the centralnervous system to muscles or glands, enabling movement and other motor actions
Sensory neurons
Carry sensoryinformation from sense organs to the brain via the spinalcord, allowing us to perceive and interpret sensory stimuli
Located between other neurons, play a crucial role in processinginformation within the brain, perform computational tasks we associate with thought
Glial cells
Make up about 90% of cells in the brain, their prime function isscaffolding and support
Tree-likebranches that come off the cell body, receive impulses from other neurons
Cell body/Cell soma
Responsible for the metabolism and the maintenance of the cell, really small in nature
Myelin sheath
Part protein, part fat, speeds the actionpotential, myelinated axons appear as white matter, unmyelinated axons appear as grey matter
Where one neuron meets another, transmission of an action potential along one neuron may cause the next neuron to fire (excitation) or inhibit firing (inhibition), governed by the release of neurotransmitters